Browns Valley

Browns Valley is a small community in Yuba County just 22 miles west of Grass Valley, at an elevation of 269 feet. Summer temperatures average in the low 90s, winters average in the low 40s. Browns Valley is home to Collins Lake, a fresh-water lake of over 1000 acres. Although originally created to help irrigate Browns Valley area farms, the lake still serves this purpose with the addition of being a recreational gem for swimming, boating, and fishing. The Sutter Buttes, sometimes referred to as one of the smallest mountain ranges in the world, are only 30 miles away and entirely visible from Browns Valley. Real estate in Browns Valley situates you in proximity to both Yuba City/Marysville area, as well as Grass Valley/Nevada City area, making it a good place to purchase property for commuters who wish to have a home in a peaceful, rural area, surrounded by plenty of natural beauty.